Shower enclosures are nothing new. Cabins with ingenious shower devices have been built since ancient times. A modern shower cubicle is very different from those of old, but in its essence it is not that different.
One can vividly imagine how mankind has wanted to copy nature’s running/falling water to be able to wash himself elsewhere than in the river under the waterfall. Evidence has been found that even the ancient Egyptians used devices where the water came from tipping tubs.
Actual showers were used by the ancient Greeks, who had communal shower rooms.
The Romans were not late in taking over this from Greek culture as well.

Shower enclosures today are not just one thing. We can divide them into traditional shower cabins, where there is a shower and maybe some other nozzles. Then there are various types of combinations with other products such as the steam cabin, which also acts as a steam bath. Finally, there are combination cabins that have a bath or spa as base, shower and massage jets and maybe even a steam generator.
All these cabins are in principle shower cabins. A shower cabin has a bottom and at least one shower as an integral part of the cabin. The shower cubicle can be open or closed at the top.
Nordkap Living have very high standards regarding our products. We simply will not sell something that does not live up to our demands. Additionally, we have 20 years of experience in designing and manufacturing showers and cabins, which have lead to massive evolution regarding the materials and functions of our products.
Tempered safety glass has been used in all cabins. Rear walls are either made of glass or sanitary acrylic, as is the sump, which has a strong and stable stand with adjustable legs.
Wheels for sliding doors

There is a myriad of wheel types on the market. Nordkap Living uses the best types, based on high quality and design. Where technically possible we use spring-loaded wheels (bottom), which facilitates the installation of the doors. The upper wheels are double wheels, which allow the door to move easily and make it more stable.
Corner joints

Our most popular shower models, ART and 90E, are constructed with corner brackets, which simplify the assembly of the cabin. The individual profile is attached to the bracket one at a time. The bracket is a way of simplifying an assembly procedure that often takes place in a very limited space.
Assembly without tools

Some shower enclosures have been manufactured with the revolutionary “Easy Way” click-system, that allows the enclosure to be assembled without the use of tools. Tools must still be used to connect water, but the assembly itself takes place without the need for any tools. This makes the assembly significantly easier.
The click-system provides an equally stable solution as with the older versions, where the profiles had to be screwed on.
2-part bottom

Several of our shower enclosures are made with a 2-part bottom. This construction makes it easy and effortless to clean the drain. By lifting the center section, you have unhindered access to the drain cup, without first having to move the cabin. For all cabins the cabin bottoms are stiffened with an extra layer of strong fiberglass and a stand with many supporting points, providing a good, stable bottom. The double-bottom solution should not be chosen if the drain is not under the cabin or in combination with a drain pump. In this case, Nordkap Living recommend the single bottom option, which is standard in most shower cabins.
High quality aluminum

Aluminum is treated in many different ways. Many different surface treatments are included in Nordkap Living’s products. For example, matt, brushed and highly polished surfaces can be used. Common to them all is that we use high-quality surface treatments and don’t use cheap shiny spray alloys.
Anti-lime nozzles

Equipping the body nozzles, top and hand showers with anti-lime nozzles makes cleaning the cabin much easier. The system works by providing all the jet outputs with a rubber nozzle. If the nozzle is suffering from limescale, you can just blow out the flakes simply by pressing your finger on the rubber nozzle.
Water supply
The water supply must be on/inside the wall behind the cabin at a height of approx. 1 m. Connected with soft hoses for maximum flexibility.
Water pressure
No extra high water pressure is required for the cabins. A distributor determines whether the water comes out of either the overhead shower, hand shower or body nozzles. (See the model description on the product card.)
Water consumption is not higher in the most complicated cabin or in the simplest.
Power consumption
Any cabin with radio and fan requires standard 240V connection.
Steam cabins use approx. 3 kWh when using the steam generator, which will be the maximum load. Therefore, a steam cabin has to be connected to 240V/13A on its own circuit. Remember that the electrical connection must be done by an authorized electrician.
Cabins must be placed in a waterproof room with a floor drain.
The drain
The drain can be placed anywhere under the cabin. If this is not possible you should not choose a double bottom solution. To ensure that there is room for a possible water trap, it is a good idea no to place the drain just below the sump (See the drawing on the individual product).
Descaling of the steam generator
After using the steam generator, any excess water is automatically fed directly into the drain. This reduces limescale and reduces the need for descaling.

- Connection to top shower, protrudes above the top
- Outlet for ventilation grille
- Mirror
- Shelf
- Switch to the various water outlets
- Mixer tap
- Shower bar
- Hand shower
- Shower head
- Sliding door
- Door knob
- Body nozzles
- Bottom tub
Combi cabins
Combi cabins are af combination of multiple different products. The bottom tub works as a spa, and the cabin itself works as a steam.

- Top shower with integrated lights
- Speaker
- Ventilator
- Therapeutic lights
- Mirror
- Display
- Body nozzles
- Shelf
- Foot massage
- Steam nozzles
- Door knob
- Sliding door
- Mixer tap
- Mixer
- Bottom tub with spa effects
Upon delivery the customer must check that the packaging is intact and that no damage has occurred to the product during transportation. Before installation the installer must ensure that all hoses and cables are properly connected.
The drain hose is usually only fitted for transport and should be reconnected and sealed so that the hose is going in the direction of the floor drain.