Control your outdoor spa with wi-fi.
Through your phone, or tablet, you control the spa from your living room, or wherever you have access to a wifi network. Your spa will be ready to use when you get to it. Using the Internet, you can manage your spa from your workplace, or from any place where you have access to the Internet and the website from where you can manage via your mobile or tablet. Available on both AndroidTM, and iPhone®, the Balbao Wordwide App (BWATM) gives you direct access through your own WiFi network. The app is free and can be downloaded from the Apple App store or Google play.
You can manage your outdoor spa at home and in the cottage with the same app by creating two accounts. It requires a WIFI module in both outdoor spas and WIFI at both addresses.
Only when buying a new spa
The price is when buying a new spa. The module can also be purchased for older spas, if the control box is suitable. However, the module must be mounted by an experienced installer and an outdoor service package must be added to the price. Call for an offer. BWATM is a trademark of Balboa Water Group. iPhone® and iPad® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. AndroidTM is a trademark of Google Inc.
BWATM communicates over a 2.4GHz network that supports 802.11b / g / n wire light technology. 5GHz networks are not available. A standard wireless setup via the router without security, or with WEP / WPA / WPA2 security. Hotspots, and guest networks cannot be used, and 8021X, RADIUS, and WPA / WPA2 Enterprise protocols that require certification are not avaiable.