Enjoy a clean and crystal clear bathing water in your outdoor spa.
This product is intended for use with our in.clear ™ salt water system. The water in your outdoor spa is thus completely disinfected without chemicals. The product is added after filling with water in the spa, after which the in.Clear ™ plant starts the production of the right amount of bromine which is then discharged into the water. The braking value should be between 3 – 5 ppm. In order to maintain the right value, you usually have to add more of the product if the value drops below 5 ppm.
If the value rises to more than 5 ppm, turn off the spa or fill with new water in the tub. The pH value should be between 7.2 – 7.8, total alkalinity between 100 – 120 ppm and water hardness between 150 – 200 ppm. In order to regularly measure and monitor the bromine value, we recommend using our Bromid test kit.
Water Volumn: Start and maintenance
400 L. 550 gr
800 L. 1100 gr
1200 L. 1660 gr.